Monday, February 18, 2008

[ News, Culture / Events, January 28 2008] Korean films in theaters to get English subtitles

A domestic film production company and distributor will show the latest Korean movies with English subtitles in theaters to attract more foreign audiences.

CJ Entertainment and CGV announced Monday (Jan. 28) that they will start with "A Man Who Was Superman (2008)."

"Initially, the selected movies will show on one screen at Yongsan CGV (theater in Seoul) for the duration of the films’ domestic theatrical run," CJ said in a statement.

Korean movies playing in theaters have no English subtitles and thus mostly cater to Koreans, despite the rising number of foreigners living in the country.

"A Man Who Was Superman" will be screened with English subtitles starting Thursday (Jan. 31), the same day the movie is released to Korean viewers.

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