Sunday, April 06, 2008

[ News, Culture / Events, March 23 2008] Introducing Korean film to U.S. audiences

By Mark Peterson
Professor, Brigham Young University

The National Council for Social Science is an organization of mainly secondary school social science teachers, but its membership also includes some elementary school teachers and college teachers. The Council holds a large meeting, almost like a convention, every year in November. This year, it met in San Diego, on the weekend of Nov. 29 - Dec. 2. The Korea Foundation was an active participant of this conference by maintaining a booth at the exhibition hall, hosting a reception, and helping to sponsor an international film festival.


The Korea Foundation also hosted an open reception, held just prior to the International Film Festival, which was well-attended by conference participants. There, special guests were introduced and several related programs announced, such as the summer training program for school teachers coordinated by the Korea Society, in New York, and the KAFE (Korean Academy For Educators) seminars in the summer and fall, held in Los Angeles. Choi Yong-jin of the Korea Society and Mary Connor of KAFE were introduced to the group. The Korea Foundation extends support to both of these programs, which help to develop curriculum and distribute instructional materials for classroom teachers.

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