Saturday, January 05, 2008

[The Chosun Ilbo, December 13 2007] Buy-in-America Boom Spreads to Korea

The weak dollar has sparked a U.S. shopping spree among Europeans, the so-called Buy-in-America boom. Thanks to weak dollar and strong euro, prices in the U.S. became much lower than in the Europe, and European shoppers are going to the U.S. for shopping as well as to U.S. shopping websites. The most popular items are electronics and clothes. The Chosun Ilbo looks at the bargains.


This U.S. shopping boom is now advancing to Korea. According to the Korea Customs Service, the number of parcels from overseas between January and October has increased by 14 percent to 674,000 compared to the same period last year. A substantial amount of that consists of products bought on U.S. Internet shopping sites.

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